Dr. Cali Estes - The Addictions Academy ®

5 Mistakes that Need to be Corrected to Increase Clientele Base


5 Mistakes that need to be corrected to increase clientele base



In the highly competitive addictions industry, there are many marketing strategies that could put you and your business in a great position to operate on a highly successful trajectory for many years. My business has increased its client base and financial gain in each of its operating calendar years, so I know a thing or two about what to do and what not to do, when it comes to marketing your addictions and recovery-based company. Whether you are trying to become a top addiction Intervention expert or trying to become the best expert life coach what you are trying to do is always increase your client base and fill your book of clients. You want more clients, more leads of course more conversions.

So, let’s go over 5 mistakes that need to be corrected:


  1. NOT PUTTING YOUR PHOTO ON YOUR ADVERTISING– whether it’s your website, flyer, or business card, it is always a mistake NOT to have your photo on your advertising. It makes it so much easier for people to remember you if they have a face to put with the name. At networking events people receive so much information, so having a face to put with the name is always a great idea. It’s just a given that people like to SEE who they’re doing business with. If you are doing marketing events and you are meeting a ton of people, no one will remember you unless your card has your photo. Plus, if you put a professional photo on there, people will instantly connect with you. Remember people do business with people they trust.



  1. NOT ALWAYS CARRYING BUSINESS CARDS ON YOU– you must ALWAYS have your business cards on you if someone asks you for one. If I asked a top certified sober coach for a business card and they couldn’t produce one it would greatly diminish how organized I thought they were. There is absolutely NO EXCUSE for not producing a business card when asked for one. Believe me when I tell you that many times, I have asked for a business card and have been told that they didn’t have one and began writing their info on a piece of paper or they wanted to give me a cell number to ‘plug into my phone’. This greatly impacts how I feel about their company and I certainly do NOT want their number clogging up my contacts list in my phone. I was once at a network event in LA and I had a guy say this ‘I did not bring any cards because I want to make relationships not contacts. I forgot his name AND his line of work 10 minutes later. He failed.


  1. REFUSE TO USE YOUR LEVERAGE AND POWER ON SOCIAL MEDIA– Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn are great tools for top certified recovery coaches, top certified interventionists and all certified professional coaches to use to increase their client base. Don’t make the mistake of NOT using these tools to help your company. People spend so much time on social media so put your face and your business in the line of sight on social media. Start a business page, add content and constantly post relevant content to your business. Sprinkle in a few photos of the family and you are off to a good start. Now your business page is not a place to post the dog, the lake and all the personal stuff on a daily basis, but you can sprinkle those in. Let everyone know what you are doing as a certified recovery coach, top interventionist or certified life coach and people will start asking questions and your client base will start to flow.


  1.  WASTING MONEY ON EXPENSIVE ADDICTION CONFERENCES- in the addictions industry and recovery community there are EXPENSIVE conferences that certified professional coaches flock to that produce little more than gossip and the basics that top certified professionals should already know. Don’t be sucked into this waste of money with catchy marketing because your money could be better spent. My very first conference I got a booth, secured a speaking gig and spent $10,000 for the experience. It lasted 3 days and was a whirlwind of activity. I only got one client out of the experience because it was all marketers of treatment centers marketing to each other. They would hang out, gossip, go golfing and shack up. This is not money well spent. You need clients, not competitors that are doing recovery coaching or intervention.


  1. FAILURE TO BUILD LONG TERM AND LONG LASTING RELATIONSHIPS– don’t make the mistake of always aiming for the quick money and path of least resistance. Spend the quality time to build lasting professional relationships that can bring you clients and cash flow for years to come. And this is always the easiest path. It takes time to feel out which relationships are the best for you and your company and it also takes time to trust in others and build trust for others but once you have a strong list of long lasting QUALITY relationships to benefit your brand and your company you will soon have a revenue stream and client stream that you can count on for years to come. Look in your phone, whom do you know right now that can support you and get the word out? Start there!


We just went over 5 big mistakes that can cripple our company and client base that we need to correct if we are doing this ourselves. And we here at The Addictions Academy  are here to help you with all your marketing strategies and steer you clear of the big mistakes that are easy to make without the proper knowledge. We have 4 vital marketing classes and opportunities for you. Click this link below:



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