Dr. Cali Estes - The Addictions Academy ®

The Addictions Academy Offers Christian Recovery Coach and Christian Family Recovery Coach training!

Group praying together

Upcoming  Classes are filling up FAST!

September 7-8 Nationally Certified Christian Recovery Coach

October 5-6      Nationally Certified Christian Family Recovery Coach 


Christian Recovery Coach and Family Coach Certification (both classes are listed)


Nationally Certified Christian Recovery Coach (NCCRC)
Are you interested in becoming a Professional Christian Recovery Coach? Our Recovery Coaching Training Program will assist you with all of the skills necessary to learn how to become a top-notch Christian Professional Recovery Coach. At The Addictions Academy, we are a National Education Provider and we offer a reputable program that is cost-effective and recognized in the industry. If you are a christian therapist you need to add this to your practice. If you are a sober companion or sober coach, you need to get the credentials to increase your client base, your income and your worth.  All of our Recovery Coach training classes meet the ICF standards with the core competencies. We are accredited though the AACT  as an educational institution, IAAP and all manuals are approved by NAADAC.

Nationally Certified Christian Family Recovery Coach (NCCFRC)

Christian Family Recovery CoachingOur program in Christian Family Recovery Coaching is comprehensive and will teach you, the professional coach, to be able to work with and assist the family during their difficult times.  As much as an addict needs a coach, so does the family, and there are currently no programs available to teach you, the professional, how to deal with the family dynamics.  Families of an addict are often confused themselves about addiction and where to turn with some of the issues that are going on within the family dynamic system. As a Therapist or Recovery Coach, you are trained to handle the addict but often the family is left alone to deal with their issues without help. They become abandoned once the loved one enters treatment or even left to coach themselves on what to do if the loved one refuses treatment. We are proud to offer you Nationally Certified Christian Family Coach Training.

Learn more below and register at The Addictions Academy or call 1.800.706.0318



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