Dr. Cali Estes - The Addictions Academy ®

The Addictions Academy: Recovery Coach Workbook, #1 Best Seller on Amazon, Now Updated and Revised!

The Addictions Academy: Recovery Coach Workbook, #1 Best Seller on Amazon, Now Updated and Revised, and available Right Here! 

Recovery Coach Workbook

Your chance to get the # 1 Best Seller on Amazon!  Revised and updated, with more exercises and more activities for your clients!! Great for all coaches and clients.

Recovery Coach Workbook has been used successfully by numerous individuals, residential recovery programs, out-patient programs, professional recovery coaches, aftercare professionals, counselors, therapists, probation officers, ministries, recovery retreats, sponsors, sober companions, and family members to help them to get a deeper understanding of the disease of addiction, the solution to the problem, and the program of action that promotes change in the substance abuser. A Support system for family and friends of substance abusers that help to provide clarity, understanding, education, prevention, and awareness.
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