Dr. Cali Estes - The Addictions Academy ®

The Addictions Academy Students Love our Courses and the Training they Receive!


 The Addictions Academy Students Are Thrilled with Their Training! 

Are YOU Ready to join the Academy?  The Addictions Academy is Ready for YOU!

Learning New Skills and Training at the addictions academyHere is what one recent student thought about the course she took…

I really enjoyed today’s session, exceeded my expectations and I’m looking forward to more.

I feel hugely grateful to be part of the group. Thank you for your generosity of spirit that allows me to join the training. I really do feel blessed – it seems to fit in so naturally with my interests and experience it really is a gift for me to be learning this stuff.

Enjoy your day in the national park – love to hear you’re hiking, one of my passions since getting clean and sober, so I’m getting some vicarious enjoyment knowing you’re out there!



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