Dr. Cali Estes - The Addictions Academy ®

Certified Adolescent Addiction and Motivation Coach

Certified Adolescent Addiction and Motivation Coach - ICAAMC

The internationally Certified Adolescent Addiction and Motivation Coach Training Program is designed for the coach that wants to work with both teens and young adults that are struggling to get more out of life, academics, sports, addiction, body image issues, stress, anxiety, and more. If you want to help teens and young adults get ‘unstuck’ and flourish, this is the training for you.

The term ‘Failure to Launch Syndrome ‘ has surfaced, and it describes the teen or early adult (sometimes 30 to 40’s even) that is still living at home, working sporadic jobs (or not working at all), and sometimes hooked on video games or drugs and alcohol. We are the ONLY training and certification program that will educate you on how to deal with teens and young adults, specifically in the areas of mental health and addiction. Therapy is usually not enough to get teens moving in the right direction and coaches have stepped in to fill that gap.   

Teens and young adults are reporting elevated levels of anxiety and depression, problems with self-identity, and even self-loathing due to social media apps like Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, and more. With constant peer pressure to be liked on social media, overuse of filters to look perfect, and the constant pressure to do more and be more, they are reporting higher levels of depression, anxiety, fear of failure, and even suicidal thoughts.  Our Internationally Certified Teen Motivation Coach Training Program covers all these topics and how to address them in a safe manner that garners results.  

If you heard the terms Helicopter Parenting, Snowplow Parenting, or even Lawnmower Parenting, you would understand that these parenting styles have risen out of the ‘the leave no child behind’ educational concept, and no one gets cut from the cheer squad or football team. These kids do not learn from failure and are accustomed to their parents making everything Ok for them.  They expect to work for high pay and limited hours, and do little to no work with no training skill set.  The parents are not sure what to do and end up labeling the teen or young adult as ‘lazy’.  Some of the parents not only provide lodging and pay their son/daughter’s rent, their car payment and provide spending money but they also come over and clean, cook, and do all the laundry. The teen never finds a purpose in life and may become bored, turn to risky behaviors (like drugs, alcohol, cutting, sex), or become depressed and lethargic, even suicidal.    

In This Adolescent Addiction and Motivation Training and Certification class, you will learn how to deal with clients and their parents.  Our Professional certification and training will teach you how to uncover your client’s hidden talents and create an action plan with them. You will learn how to create and set parental boundaries, expectations, and follow-through. You will learn how to coach, deal with the fear of failure versus the fear of success, and how create purpose and passion for your clients.

NOTE: There are NO prerequisites to this course, however, it is recommended that you also take the Nationally Certified Family Recovery Coach or the Life Coach class.  Included in our Internationally Certified Teen Motivation Course, is an ethics class, and 10 hours of coach mentorship/supervision. We do offer Job Board, Networking, and Business/Private Practice assistance. We also hire from within once you are trained, certified, insured, and bonded.


We are accredited by the following organizations.

Nebraska Dept of Health
Florida Certification Board
Association of Coach Training Organizations
CCE logo


Module 1
How to Coach a client
11 Core Competencies of Coaching as set forth by the ICF
Group versus Individual Coaching sessions: parameters, expectations
What motivates teens versus young adults
Why is this population so ‘stuck’ with an inability to function in life?
Helicopter, Snowplow, and Lawnmower parenting; how it affects teens and young adults
How to utilize varied approaches depending on the client, such as motivational tactics, moderate confrontation, responsive therapies, and so on.
Coaching skills versus motivational interviewing
When to provide additional life coaching and guidance through turbulent periods
Module 2
Drugs, alcohol, and signs to look for in your teen or young adult
Gaming and internet addictions
Hidden drugs in the car/home and where to find them
Understanding trauma and Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE)
Underlying mental health issues: depression, anxiety, ADHD
Transgender, non-binary, LGBGT, and Pangender issues
Eating Disorders Body Dysmorphia
Module 3
How to involve the family in your programs
How to create boundaries with the family
Understanding positive support systems and social activities
Understanding toxic peer groups
Family Dynamics and Family Systems Supports
How to help the family work through any inter-family related matters
Bullying issues
Module 4
How to uncover stuck points
Tackling procrastination
Taking on too much AKA burnout
Social pressures of Tik Tok, Snapchat, Facebook, and more
Mindset versus parental expectation
Need to be perfect or happy with filters, pictures, etc.
Self-care versus laziness
Excelling in academics
Excelling in sports
Module 5
How to address education vs. work goals
When to provide additional life coaching and guidance through turbulent periods
How to create a financial plan with the client
Creating a vision board and bucket list
Dr. Cali Estes

Your Host for this Training, Dr. Cali Estes

Dr. Cali Estes is a Therapist, Life Coach, Recovery Coach, Addictions Coach, and Wellness Guru, Dr. Cali Estes has been named ‘The Female Dr. Drew’ by the media. She has been featured on CNN, NBC, FOX, ABC, KTLA, People Mag, Yoga Digest, and more.

She is the Founder of The Addictions Academy and the wildly popular Sober on Demand for an alternative to drug and alcohol treatment services. She has also created the first-ever addiction and mental health supplement line, ProRecoveryRx.



$5997 VALUE

On Line courses
  • Certified Adolescent Addiction and Teen Motivation Coach Course Video Self Study 
  • Ethics Course 
  • 10 weeks of call-in/online Coaching Mentorship with a Master Coach to hone your skills as a coach
  • All Manual for courses
  • All Exams
  • All Credentials
  • Bonus: Copy of 1# Best Selling Workbook for client exercises
  • Bonus: Private FB Graduate Group
  • Bonus: FB Networking Group
  • Bonus: Job Board
  • Bonus: Seals for social media, website, and marketing
  • Bonus: Free 6 month online Directory Listing to get clients
  • Bonus: Use of The Addictions Academy® logo AND Seal of Certifications
  • Bonus: Use of ICAAMC  designation on all credential platforms
  • Bonus: Eligibility to receive client referrals through The Addictions Academy
  • Bonus: Discounted price for all courses and classes we offer.
  • Bonus: Eligibility to join The Addictions Academy as an independent contractor



$9997 VALUE

On Line courses
  • Certified Adolescent Addiction and Teen Motivation runs 10-3 EST see LIVE TRAINING for dates
  • Ethics Course 
  • 10 weeks of call-in/online Coaching Mentorship with a Master Coach to hone your skills as a coach
  • All Manuals for courses
  • All Exams
  • All Credentials
  • Bonus: 7 Hour Marketing Course
  • Bonus: Forms and Contracts Book
  • Bonus: Copy of 1# Best Selling Workbook for client exercises
  • Bonus: Private FB Graduate Group
  • Bonus: FB Networking Group
  • Bonus: Job Board
  • Bonus: Seals for social media, website, and marketing
  • Bonus: Free 6 month online Directory Listing to get clients
  • Bonus: Use of The Addictions Academy® logo AND Seal of Certifications
  • Bonus: Use of ICAAMC  designation on all credential platforms
  • Bonus: Eligibility to receive client referrals through The Addictions Academy
  • Bonus: Discounted price for all courses and classes we offer.
  • Bonus: Eligibility to join The Addictions Academy as an independent contractor
Teen Coach
Teen Coach

Fill out the form so we can contact you to see if you are a good fit for our program.

We are pleased to offer a Free Consultation to address your unique needs and concerns and create a plan of action that suites your specific goals. When you’re in need of substance abuse treatment, our exclusive alternative to treatment offers a level of customization and fluidity that is unparalleled.



What Our Students Say

Our work speaks for itself. Hear what our students had to say...

From CEO’s, Wall Street Execs, Professional Athletes, Doctors to the failing student and the wine mom that drinks in the school pick up line, we can help. Call us today for a consultation. 

Frequently Asked Questions About a Teen Motivation Coach

The term ‘failure to launch’ has to deal with young adults that cannot seem to get out of the house, find a job, and handle life on life‘s terms. They tend to blame their situation, their parents, and others and have high resilience to change. They also have high functioning anxiety and unusually substantial amounts of depression. Some are addicted to video games, alcohol, and drugs, and very few recover without professional intervention.

If your adult child doesn’t have a job, has an addiction to video games or drugs and alcohol, seems to be irritable all the time or is depressed and doesn’t want to work, and thinks life is overwhelming, they may have Failure to Launch Syndrome. As a parent, if you are allowing them to live rent-free, cooking their meals, financially incentivizing them to do basic tasks, and doing their laundry, you are enabling not helping.  Call a professional to evaluate your situation, as an enabling parent will only make the condition worse.

There is no training for fixing failure to launch syndrome, but our Certified Teen Motivational Coach covers all the areas of Failure to Launch and how to combat it.  This Certification covers goal setting, action planning, parenting, and more.

This syndrome is mostly behaviorally dictated. Utilizing motivational interviewing and cognitive behavioral therapy techniques and some other types of behavioral modification, failure to launch syndrome can be reversed.  A young adult or even an older adult can make a full recovery and become a very productive person if the right parenting styles and boundaries are put into place.