Marcus Smart of Oklahoma State shoved a Texas Tech fan during a game, thus fueling the debate on whether Anger Management is needed in sports. Society has dubbed him a ‘thug’ along with Sherman of the Seattle Seahawks for his recent outburst during a sporting game. When it comes to testosterone and sporting events, you have the players all amped up trying to win the game and fans and other players taunting and harassing the player. The question is, do the players need Anger Management Training? Is the case that Anger Management training needs to be given to the coaches, the personal trainers and the handlers of the athletes? Or do we simply suspend them — like a 5 year old standing in the corner for mouthing off to Mommy? See facts below.
Learn more about our Anger Management Course and Certification February 28 and how to offer Anger Management advice and suggestions to those that need anger control. We offer 5 CEU’s for the class. Call us today at 786.709.0479