Dr. Cali Estes - The Addictions Academy ®

Ask the Expert: Cali Estes, The Addictions Coach answers. Choosing a Sober Companion.

Ask the Expert: Cali Estes, The Addictions Coach answers.

Question: “How do I choose a sober companion?” Brandon, Los Angeles

CALI ESTES, The Addictions Coach answers:  To choose a sober companion you need to ask a few key questions.

1. What is their experience with clients and how long have they been doing this?

2. What is their professional training level and education?

3. What is their program or plan like?

4. Will their personality match yours?

If you can get solid answers to these questions you might have a good match.

At The Addictions Coach, we have over 10 different sober companions to choose from, all with certifications in addiction coaching if not a bachelor or master degree in psychology. All of our companions are personality matched to our clients. We specialize in high-profile business executives, sports players, executives and celebrities. www.theaddictionscoach.com 1.800.706.0318

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