Dr. Cali Estes - The Addictions Academy ®

Certified Gambling Addiction Coach

Internationally Certified Gambling Addiction Coach (ICGAC)

Our comprehensive Professional Gambling Addiction Coach Training and Certification Program will teach you how to coach clients with gambling and gaming issues that are impacting their lives in a negative manner. Gambling and Gaming issues can occur in many forms including: visiting casinos, online betting, dog & horse races, underground fighting, gambling apps, sports betting, lottery tickets and more. While gambling may be enjoyed by some individuals, problem and even compulsive gambling can become an issue if left untreated. This course will certify and qualify you to become a Gambling Addiction Coach. 

Problem gambling, or ludomania, is an urge to continuously gamble despite harmful negative consequences or a willful desire to stop. This can lead to financial ruin, divorce, job loss, even drug and alcohol addiction and homelessness if it is untreated. Gambling and online gaming are defined as  process addictions that deal with compulsory behavior. As a Certified Gambling Addiction Coach you will learn how to spot the problem behaviors and offer solutions to correct the impulses at a core level.  

Gambling addiction is considered a process addiction and is treated very differently than drug and alcohol addiction. This certification is a great add on to a recovery coach certification, life coach certification, or an any addiction counselor training  class because it delves deep into the Neurobiology of the brain along with the social side of addiction. Coping skills, impulse control, the addictive cycle, learning styles and even goal setting will be covered. Legal issues and ethics are included in this course. 

NOTE: There are NO prerequisites to this course.  Also included is  Relapse Prevention Training, an ethics class, and 10 hours of master coach supervision. We do offer Job Board, Networking, and Business/Private Practice assistance. We also hire from within once you are trained, certified, insured, and bonded.


We are accredited by the following organizations.

Nebraska Dept of Health
Florida Certification Board
Association of Coach Training Organizations
CCE logo


Understanding Gambling and Gaming Addiction
Professional Training and Coaching Skills
The Addictive Cycle
Accessing Community Supports
Relapse Prevention
4 Types of Casino Players
Coping Skills vs. Willpower
Problem and Compulsive Gambling
Process Addictions and Dopamine Neurobiology
Casinos, Sports Betting, Slots, Card Games, Lotto, and more
How Online Gambling and Gaming are Different
Horse/dog races, Fight clubs and Animal Fighting
Duties and Responsibilities
Legal and Ethical Issues
Models of Treatment for a Gambler
Overcoming Obstacles and Barriers
Interactive Client Exercises and Worksheets
Planning and Goal Setting
Endorphins and Dopamine in the Brain
Compulsory Behavior and Impulse Control
Understanding Learning Styles and Motivation to change
Stages of Change in Addiction Cycle
Depression, Anxiety and Mental Health Issues
Relapse Prevention Training Included
Dr. Cali Estes

Your Host for this Training, Dr. Cali Estes

Dr. Cali Estes is a Therapist, Life Coach, Recovery Coach, Addictions Coach, and Wellness Guru, Dr. Cali Estes has been named ‘The Female Dr. Drew’ by the media. She has been featured on CNN, NBC, FOX, ABC, KTLA, People Mag, Yoga Digest, and more.

She is the Founder of The Addictions Academy and the wildly popular Sober on Demand for an alternative to drug and alcohol treatment services. She has also created the first-ever addiction and mental health supplement line, ProRecoveryRx.



$5997 VALUE

On Line courses
  • Certified Gambling Addiction Coach Video Series Course 
  • Relapse Prevention 
  • Ethics Course 
  • 10 weeks of call-in/online Coaching Mentorship with a Master Coach to hone your skills as a coach
  • All Manuals for courses
  • All 3 Exams
  • All 3 Credentials
  • Bonus: Copy of 1# Best Selling Workbook for client exercises
  • Bonus: Private FB Graduate Group
  • Bonus: FB Networking Group
  • Bonus: Job Board
  • Bonus: Seals for social media, website, and marketing
  • Bonus: Free 6 month online Directory Listing to get clients
  • Bonus: Repeat class at any time once purchased (Exclusive to The Addictions Academy)
  • Bonus: Use of The Addictions Academy® logo AND Seal of Certifications
  • Bonus: Use of ICGAC designation on all credential platforms
  • Bonus: Eligibility to receive client referrals through The Addictions Academy
  • Bonus: Discounted price for all courses and classes we offer.
  • Bonus: Eligibility to join The Addictions Academy as an independent contractor



$9997 VALUE

On Line courses
  • Certified Gambling Addiction  Coach – Live Virtual Classroom 
  • Relapse Prevention
  • Ethics Course 
  • 10 weeks of call-in/online Coaching Mentorship with a Master Coach to hone your skills as a coach
  • All Manuals for courses
  • All 3 Exams
  • All 3 Credentials
  • Bonus: 7 Hour Marketing Class
  • Bonus: Forms and Contracts Book
  • Bonus: Copy of 1# Best Selling Workbook for client exercises
  • Bonus: Private FB Graduate Group
  • Bonus: FB Networking Group
  • Bonus: Job Board
  • Bonus: Seals for social media, website, and marketing
  • Bonus: Free 6 month online Directory Listing to get clients
  • Bonus: Use of The Addictions Academy® logo AND Seal of Certifications
  • Bonus: Use of ICGAC designation on all credential platforms
  • Bonus: Eligibility to receive client referrals through The Addictions Academy
  • Bonus: Discounted price for all courses and classes we offer.
  • Bonus: Eligibility to join The Addictions Academy as an independent contractor
Gambling Coach
Gambling Coach

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Fill out the form so we can contact you to see if you are a good fit for our program.

We are pleased to offer a Free Consultation to address your unique needs and concerns and create a plan of action that suites your specific goals. When you’re in need of substance abuse treatment, our exclusive alternative to treatment offers a level of customization and fluidity that is unparalleled.



What Our Students Say

Our work speaks for itself. Hear what our students had to say...

From CEO’s, Wall Street Execs, Professional Athletes, Doctors to the failing student and the wine mom that drinks in the school pick up line, we can help. Call us today for a consultation. 

Frequently Asked Questions About Gambling Coaching

Not everyone will, but if you are just coming out of a residential program or our Sober on Demand concierge coaching, you can likely benefit greatly from having one. If you attend a high-stress event, like a wedding, job duty, or other event, you should have a sober buddy to go with you for support and guidance.

Sober companions are certified, bonded, insured, and long-term sober individuals who can offer the right support for those looking to get and stay clean. They are available as a live in at your residence, or just to accompany you to events, work, gym, grocery, meetings, outings, and other high-risk situations. They can help with mental health issues like ADD, depression, eating disorders and various types of addiction: drug addiction, alcohol addiction, food addiction and sex addiction.

Your therapist serves as your guide in your journey, helping you uncover truths about your addiction and develop the skills you need to stay clean. A sober companion is someone who supports the work you do with your therapist by accompanying you through life outside of therapy.

You should be certified as a sober companion, bonded, and insured. You should also have at least five years of sobriety under your belt before you take on clients. You can get your certification through The Addictions Academy.