Dr. Cali Estes - The Addictions Academy ®

Certified Life Coach


Once you decide to get certified as a life coach, you want to find the best life coaching training program to meet your individual needs. At The Addictions Academy, we understand your time is valuable and our certified life coach training program is offered via virtual classroom and self-study to meet the demands of your lifestyle. Our unique online format includes clinical supervision in real-time to assist you with meeting your life coach qualifications under the International Coach federation guidelines (ICF). Please note we are ICF CCE Approved and Accredited.

Our life coaching certification program will help you train to become a life coach and offer your clients the highest quality services available on the market. A life coach training certification will teach you the art of active versus passive listening skills, and how to learn to listen to the stuck points in a client’s life and help them move past those points to achieve all their goals.  As a life coach, you’ll get to spend your days helping people on a deep, personal, and unique level. You’ll be an instrumental part of helping them find the success and happiness that they’re looking for. You can work from home, from your office, or go to your client’s home or office. You can work via telephone, Skype, or in person.

A life coach training and certification program is the core of your knowledge when helping clients achieve their goals and dreams. The tools you will learn in this class lay the foundation that you will need to offer top-notch life coaching and addiction services to your clients. This class is a primer and an entry-level class that you can build your addiction coaching and addition specialty business on.

NOTE: There are NO prerequisites to this course: Life Coach I, ethics class, and 10 hours of supervision all come together.  We do offer Job Board, Networking, and Business/Private Practice assistance. We also hire from within once you are trained, certified, insured, and bonded.


We are accredited by the following organizations.

Nebraska Dept of Health
Florida Certification Board
Association of Coach Training Organizations
CCE logo


Level 1
How to Life Coach
Active vs. Passive Listening Skills
The structure of the life coach sessions
Accessing Community Supports
Action Planning
Goal Setting
Relationship ideals
Financial and Business Coaching Techniques
Legal and Ethical Issues
Duties and Responsibilities of a Life Coach
Understanding learning styles and motivation to change
Overcoming obstacles and barriers
Understanding Balance
Laying the proper coach foundation
11 Core Competencies of a life coach (ICF  Model)
and more
Kevin Parker

Your Host for this Training, Kevin-Parker

Kevin has a bachelor’s in psychology and has 20 years of experience with addiction.  He spent thirteen years in active addiction using everything and anything spanning from cocaine and heroin to every pill known to man.
More on Kevin.



$5997 VALUE

On Line courses
  • Certified Life Coach Level I Video Series Course 
  • 10 weeks of call-in/online Coaching Mentorship with a Master Coach to hone your skills as a coach
  • All Manuals for courses
  • All  Exams
  • All Credentials
  • Bonus: Copy of 1# Best Selling Workbook for client exercises
  • Bonus: Private FB Graduate Group
  • Bonus: FB Networking Group
  • Bonus: Job Board
  • Bonus: Seals for social media, website, and marketing
  • Bonus: Free 6 month online Directory Listing to get clients
  • Bonus: Use of The Addictions Academy® logo AND Seal of Certifications
  • Bonus: Use of NCLC I  designation on all credential platforms
  • Bonus: Eligibility to receive client referrals through The Addictions Academy
  • Bonus: Discounted price for all courses and classes we offer.
  • Bonus: Eligibility to join The Addictions Academy as an independent contractor



$9997 VALUE

On Line courses
  • Certified Life Coach Level I – Live Virtual Classroom  runs 10-3 EST see LIVE TRAINING for dates
  • Ethics Class Self Study
  • 10 weeks of call-in/online Coaching Mentorship with a Master Coach to hone your skills as a coach
  • All Manuals for courses
  • All Exams
  • All Credentials
  • Bonus: 7 Hour Marketing Class
  • Bonus: Forms and Contracts Book
  • Bonus: Copy of 1# Best Selling Workbook for client exercises
  • Bonus: Private FB Graduate Group
  • Bonus: FB Networking Group
  • Bonus: Job Board
  • Bonus: Seals for social media, website, and marketing
  • Bonus: Free 6 month online Directory Listing to get clients
  • Bonus: Use of The Addictions Academy® logo AND Seal of Certifications
  • Bonus: Use of NCLC I designation on all credential platforms
  • Bonus: Eligibility to receive client referrals through The Addictions Academy
  • Bonus: Discounted price for all courses and classes we offer.
  • Bonus: Eligibility to join The Addictions Academy as an independent contractor
Pick Your Course Date.

Fill out the form so we can contact you to see if you are a good fit for our program.

We are pleased to offer a Free Consultation to address your unique needs and concerns and create a plan of action that suites your specific goals. When you’re in need of substance abuse treatment, our exclusive alternative to treatment offers a level of customization and fluidity that is unparalleled.



What Our Students Say

Our work speaks for itself. Hear what our students had to say...

From CEO’s, Wall Street Execs, Professional Athletes, Doctors to the failing student and the wine mom that drinks in the school pick up line, we can help. Call us today for a consultation. 

Frequently Asked Questions About Life Coaching

A life coach is a positive person that encourages and assists their clients in a positive, meaningful journey through various aspects of their life and career. In our online life coaching training programs, we certify and offer the training to become a certified life coach in all areas of addiction.

Technically none! There is no state or federal governing body for life coaches; however, The International Coach Federation (ICF) has offered 11 core competencies for life coaching and has set forth guidelines on how to coach. The Addictions Academy is accredited as a CCE provider through them.

Life Coaches can charge $150-500 per session, depending on what type of coaching you are doing.  Most ground-level coaches make $50,000 or more and business and executive life coaches make $250,000 or more each year.

Step one is to choose a training program that interests you with a specific niche. There are many programs out there and you want to select one that offers the style of coaching you are looking for. Step two is to make sure they offer supervision, mentorship, and hands-on training. Step three, make sure they can help you find work or start to get clients.

Most students at The Addictions Academy will study our online Life Coach Training Program as a base for our Sex Addiction Coaching program or our International Master Addiction Coach Certification and Training. There are no prerequisites to starting this class or training program. We offer the training program, mentorship, help to gain clientele, opening a business, and more!