Dr. Cali Estes - The Addictions Academy ®

How do I choose between a therapist and a Recovery Coach and how do I know how to choose the right one?

ASK THE EXPERT: Q & A with Cali Estes:

Therapist or CoachHow do I choose between a therapist and a Recovery Coach and how do I know how to choose the right one?

Cali Estes answers: ” A Recovery Coach is excellent for immediate needs and daily accountability. A therapist will delve into deeper issues and traumas more on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. Recovery Coaches can travel with you, we have excellent night and weekend hours and often pick up supports around a therapist or psychiatrist. A good coach is worth the investment, but a bad coach can set a client back. Ask for references if possible and credentials. You want someone that is certified as there is no licensing for Recovery Coaching yet and you want someone skilled in the area you are seeking. You also want someone that matches with your personality. For example, if you are into fitness you want a Recovery Coach that can understand fitness lingo and nutrition. If you are into 12 steps you want a Recovery Coach that utilizes that model. Ask questions and always be diligent.”


You can find Cali Estes at The Addictions Academy and The Addictions Coach for further information and questions.

www.theaddictionscoach.com and www.theaddictionsacademy.com


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