Are you a treatment center owner or facilitator that is frustrated with getting calls to convert to clients in your admissions department? At The Addictions Academy, we know training and we especially understand ethical, sound sales training. We have trained 250 treatment centers and over 7000 individuals in 23 countries.
Admissions Call Center Training is here for addictions treatment. While your top-certified interventionists and top certified recovery coaches are out on the front lines of addiction getting “all the glory and attention” there is a very important part of your treatment center or company that could be costing you big time due to a lack of qualified training. This would be your call center that I am talking about.
Many times during the process of an addict getting sober your admissions call center and your admissions team will be the first impression a possible client receives of your program, treatment center or staff. Did you now that MOST call centers are made up of clients that have 6 months sober or less? Clients complete the addictions treatment program and go on to obtain a job at the center, usually as a tech or an admissions representative. Did you know that the top rehab facilities in the US have trained their admissions team on sales techniques? In fact, most have hired us for our Admissions Call Center Training! That is one reason they are the top facilities combating substance use disorder. They train their staff!