Dr. Cali Estes - The Addictions Academy ®

Get to Know Dr. Cali Estes!


Dr. Cali Estes is a sought-after public speaker and renowned addiction specialist. She has spoken to groups of 2000 and trained over 6600 people in areas of drug addiction, alcohol addiction, technology addiction and the effects of social media, professional training and coaching, and more. She is the founder of The Addictions Academy, the world’s largest online virtual training school for addiction professionals. With classes including certified recovery coach, substance abuse counseling programs, certified interventionist classes, and life coach training programs, professionals can train to get their addictions certificate in an easy online or live format.

Dr. Cali Estes has been coined, ‘The Female Dr. Drew’ and has founded a unique concierge program called Sober on Demand for her clients that require exclusivity and confidentiality.   She is available for public speaking, training or on-demand services. Her vast background in addiction and the corporate culture assists her in identifying the issues and offering solutions. She has been featured on CNN, NBC, MSN, Reader’s Digest, People Magazine, Washington Post, KTLA TV, The LA Times, Yoga Digest, Dr. Drew show and more.  She has authored two best-selling books: Recovery Coach Workbook and I Married A Junkie.

Speaking Topics Include (but not limited to):

  • Addiction in the Workplace: What holds your employees back
  • Addiction in the community:
  • Leadership Management (decreasing absenteeism and increasing output)
  • From Stuck to Success
  • Women’s Empowerment and Leadership
  • Law Of Attraction (Design the life you want)

Past Speaking and Training Engagements include some of the below locations:

  • New Jersey Police Force
  • Comedy Store on Sunset Strip
  • Moments Of Change Conference
  • Treatment Centers
  • Navigating Addiction Summit (Keynote Speaker)

Dr. Cali Estes is available to speak or train to your business, treatment team, leadership team, high school, college, or any location that requires a solid educational training with a personal touch and some comedy thrown in. Cali entertains and educates. Call 1.800.706.0318 ext 2 today or visit her at www.caliestes.com www.theaddictionscoach.com and www.theaddictionsacademy.com


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