How does a Recovery Coach work?
A recovery coach works in a different number of ways. First and foremost, a recovery coach is paired with their client by using similarities in their belief system for recovery treatment. Some recovery coaches may be 12 step based and some may be based on the belief of harm reduction and every method in between. A recovery coach also is paired with a client based on their strengths, hobbies and also their social abilities. After the recovery coach is paired with the client an assessment is made by the coach to see how intense the coaching needs to be. This scale can be as little coaching as phone and skype sessions daily all the way to 24 hours a day around the clock live in coaching. And depending on the method of recovery based treatment implemented a daily schedule is put into place and the coaching begins. The basic goal of daily recovery coaching is to get the client through the day keeping their sobriety intact. We here at The Addictions Coach have sent recovery coaches on cruises, to movie sets, on rock n roll tours, and to professional sporting events. Recovery coaches work hourly, by the day, by the event and also performance-based salary.