How to become a Food Addiction Coach
When talking about losing weight or getting healthy, often the issue is treated as a simple fix. “Eat less” “eat healthier” “go to the gym “and so on. However, as is the case for all things addiction, it’s easier said than done. Now, some may have raised an eyebrow at that term: Addiction. It’s not often used in the context of diet and food, usually reserved for things like alcohol and drugs, but it’s undeniable in this context.
It can be hard to accept food as an addictive substance – it’s a necessity. That’s like being addicted to air, right? Well, not really. See, what most people would call food, is really broken up into two categories: food and food-like-products. Natural and healthy things to consume like bananas, watermelon, and nuts, can be considered food. However, when it comes to more commonly available and easily affordable alternatives such as potato chips, candy, and chocolate, that’s what we would call a food-like product. So, what’s the difference and more importantly, the significance in this whole “food addiction coaching” debacle?
Well, these products are made with one goal in mind: to make sure the consumer will want more. You’d be hard-pressed to find someone who can eat just one chip in a bag or one Oreo or Reese’s Butter Cup. It’s common to just finish the whole package. Some may argue this is because that’s the expected portion size to satisfy one person, but this is far from true. Something like a banana could satisfy an individual with just one from the bunch with a whole lot more health benefits and way fewer calories.
This isn’t to put blame on the individuals – quite the opposite. These foods are made to be addictive. Sugar, sodium, and high fructose corn syrup are all undeniably addictive chemicals that hook people constantly. When someone has their palette changed by these foods, morphed to make them crave more – this is food addiction. So, logically, a food addiction coach would then be the person who breaks that addiction. Teaching lifestyle choices, debunking myths, and fads such as phony diets with strengths and weaknesses, and instilling satisfaction in healthier foods – all to break that nasty habit. These foods can destroy one’s body and a food addictions coach can be just what somebody needs to live a healthier life.
How to become a Food Addiction Coach
Becoming a food addiction coach takes a certain personality and one very vital tool. To start with that personality, people in this line of work first and foremost need the capacity for sympathy. Often journeys can be over-simplified, seen as too surface-level, or underestimated, and it can do some irreparable harm to a client. Being able to level with the client, understand their drawbacks and fears, and address them accordingly is an effective trait.
However, in terms of tangible assets, there’s that aforementioned vital tool: certification. It technically takes no formal training or background to become a food addictions coach. In other words, that’s a lot of potentially inexperienced and harmful food addiction coaches out there, and it can lead to some serious hesitation in clients who may be searching. Certification puts you above the competition and more importantly prepares you for the career! The Addictions Academy prepares one for all things Food Addiction Coaching, including how to handle the food addiction side when the monster of drugs and alcohol is tamed and how to handle a food addiction that is independent of other addictions.
Why You Should Be a Food Addiction Coach
Becoming a food addiction coach is not only a service to one’s community and potential addicts but also to yourself. If you overeat or use food to cope with unpleasant feelings, this course is also a brilliant method to teach you plenty of valuable tips for battling your own food addiction. Creating a healthy relationship with food, identifying eating disorders, identifying flaws with dieting and instead opting for lifestyle choices, dopamine connections, triggers, mental health, and emotional health relationship with food addiction. These are skills one can either keep to themselves for the sake of betterment or share with potential clients to better their health.
Not only that, but it would serve beautifully in spreading awareness for such issues. People don’t make a big enough deal out of the potential harm that food-like products have on not only adults but children and teenagers as well. These aren’t good for our bodies, yet the magnitude of their effect is criminally underlooked. Spreading awareness to or helping one person can then have a ripple effect that could potentially help their family, and their loved ones, and bring in more clients to then teach these new habits to.
Finally, there’s just that hopeless feeling that comes with addiction. People addicted to food often feel isolated and judged for their addiction. Unfortunately, it may even become a joke or mocked on television and in movies, creating a stigma around a very real issue, and making it harder to be open with their loved ones. A food addiction coach, while effective, can also work discretely with the client and reassure them that addiction is not the end of the road. There is a solution, and while it may seem hopeless and inevitable, it’s just a matter of trusting the food addictions coach!
How much does a Certified Food Addiction Coach make?
Income for certified addictions coaches is dependent on location and experience. According to one source, the amount may range between $35,000 and $44,000 a year on average. However, according to ZipRecruiter and based on listings, the average may be closer to around $67,000 a year, with the highest end even approaching $155,000! Location-wise, it seems Northeast US is a prime spot, with openings popping up around Brooklyn and Staten Island the most.
Overall, becoming a certified food addiction coach is a wonderful step in bettering yourself and those in less fortunate positions. Even if you didn’t have a food addiction, knowing of the things to be wary of, healthy habits to engage with, and overall healthy practices couldn’t hurt! So, if you’re at all interested, it’s highly recommended you check out The Addictions Academy course!
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