Dr. Cali Estes - The Addictions Academy ®

How to become a nutrition coach

Nutrition Coaching

How to become a nutrition coach

Nutritional recovery coaches– All You Need to Know!

The importance of good nutrition is vastly underrated in American culture. Now, do we know that having a healthy diet is good for you? Of course! That’s common knowledge. However, where the rift begins is in actually implementing these ideas. Often the most health-conscious individuals are seen as self-righteous, self-absorbed or privileged, almost demonizing the act of being healthy. This isn’t to say healthiness as a concept is seen as negative, praise is tossed here and there when healthy practices are displayed, but it isn’t easy going from nothing to something, and living a healthy lifestyle is almost seen as unobtainable and pompous. This can be especially true for those in unfortunate spaces. Whether it be mental, financial, or physical health, these can all be obstacles preventing someone from reaching that goal. Often the most affected by these same obstacles are addicts in recovery.

This blog will be covering nutritional recovery coaches, the buffer between a poor diet and eating enriching, nutritional meals, specifically in addicts. Living a healthy lifestyle isn’t exclusive to staying away from substances, and it can be easy to disregard other aspects of one’s life when caught in recovery. As a nutritional recovery coach, you would be expected to help your clients rebuild a relationship with wholesome foods and establish the necessity of good nutrition throughout addiction recovery. It’s unfortunately very common for addicts to lack vital nutritional standards by making poor food decisions or not eating at all. Fast and cheap options are often the go-to – which are synonymous with poor nutritional value – as funds are reserved for their addiction. As their coach, you would be able to help them identify key basic nutrition elements, understand their body and brain chemistry, and how to generally return to homeostasis.

How to Become a Certified Nutritional Recovery Coach

But first – how does one become a nutritional recovery coach? Well, that’s the thing: If you want to find some real success in this field, certification is downright necessary. Any average joe can walk around saying they’re a nutrition coach and can provide some wisdom. However, what separates the real nutritional recovery coaches from the others is the knowledge, techniques, and badge of qualification that certification provides.

Certification doesn’t require any prerequisites. It’s as simple as going onto the Addictions Academy website, selecting the nutritional recovery coach option, and taking their certification course. For those unfamiliar, The Addictions Academy is one of the leading hosts of certification services for all sorts of alternative addiction treatment positions. Whether you wanted to be a life coach, sober coach, or sober companion – the Addictions Academy has you covered. Heck, some of the best sober coaches, the best recovery coaches, and the best sober companions have utilized the same principles and techniques offered by The Addictions Academy.

The course is simple – it teaches each prospective nutritional coach foods to repair specific damages done by certain drugs, as well as how to one’s body from the inside out. The hope is to have one leave the class with a deeper understanding of nutrition, chemicals in food, and how they affect the body and brain, how drugs damage specific organs, and how you can heal with specific foods and there’s a sample meal plan included for you and the client. There are two versions of the course, with one being self-study and lasting about 26 hours, and the other with supervision lasting around 33 hours. They’re hosted by the internationally certified and highly acclaimed food addictions coach Jenny Fontana, and fully prepare you for nutritional coaching.

However, there’s more than just the certification included as well. There’s an ethics course, a job board listing, networking opportunities, a directory listing, and eligibility to work with The Addictions Coach team and receive referrals through the Addictions Academy. It’s an exceptional value, even excluding the countless other bonuses that come with the course that haven’t been mentioned.

Why You Should Be a Certified Nutritional Recovery Coach

However, with the how out of the way, there’s still the question of why. Well, it’s a matter of recognizing the underrepresented issues in addiction and addiction recovery and addressing them! The most publicized and recognized parts of addiction are often the circumstances and details surrounding the substance itself. However, the impact on health, relationships, and dietary habits is just as important to discuss. The damage food can have on one’s body can be almost as harmful as the substance in question. This isn’t even mentioning the potential for developing yet another addiction.

If the person or client in question were an individual with an addictive personality that led them to develop the initial problem, there’s no reason food couldn’t be the next fixation. Unhealthy foods are addictive in their own right, and there’s a reason why McDonald’s is the largest restaurant chain in the world! These foods have an undeniably catastrophic impact on one’s health, making the recovery process worse or even pushing the user to step back and use the initial substance to cope with the effects of unhealthy eating. Sluggishness, pain, weight fluctuation, weakness – these are all problems often fought with drug use or alcoholism and the last thing anyone needs is for these issues to pop up amid recovery!

How much does a Nutritional Recovery Coach make?

In terms of income, nutritional recovery coaches on average are in a pretty comfortable spot. According to a survey conducted by Precision Nutrition, the average is around $65 an hour, with the higher end being closer to around $130 an hour. However, according to other sources, such as Salary.com, the income may be closer to around $43,000 a year, with the higher end looking to be around $55,000 a year. These numbers are usually pretty unpredictable, dependent on location, client base, whether one is enlisted independently or with a larger company, and qualifications. Someone with more under their belt may be more likely to fall into that “super earner” category.

Overall, Nutritional Recovery Coaching is a solid career choice. If you feel passionate about nutrition, and health, or even just want to support addicts in all areas, Nutritional Recovery Coaching may be perfect for you.

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