How to find a certified sober companion
Addiction treatment methods have evolved during the last decade. More people seek help from sources other than therapists, counselors, and traditional support groups these days. However, all of these specialists and programs are essential parts of an addiction recovery team. Many people find that they want or need further help after completing treatment. As a result, many addicted individuals are seeking additional assistance and accountability through additional support systems.
There are Different Types of Sober Companions and knowing which certified sober companion to pick is key.
Sober companions can be divided into three categories. While the types of sober companions available vary depending on your area or rehab institution, they are typically live-in, on-call, or escort-based.
- Live-In Sober Companion
Depending on your treatment plan, a live-in sober companion moves into your home or a halfway house with you as you exit inpatient care or begin outpatient care. If you have drugs or alcohol, your sober companion will actively examine your home or living environment for substances and throw them out. This career path can also work in lieu of addiction treatment and help a client get sober or reduce their use in real-time. The key element for success here is that the client is at home, learning in real-time how to tackle and handle stressors. Addiction treatment centers are a great foundation to get sober, but the real work is at home when the real-life stressors hit. A 24/7 live-in certified sober companion will aid in these services.
- On-Call
On-call sober companions may be the ideal alternative if you prefer a sober companion to help you during your recovery. Thus, they don’t have the time or resources to have a living companion. In this situation, your sober companion is accessible on-demand, and you can call them whenever you need someone to chat to or visit anytime. Sober companions that are on call might work by text, email, or phone as needed to help the client get through the stressful moment. Certified sober companions are very different from sponsors, which are peer-led 12 step individuals that went through the program themselves and got sober. Sponsors are not professionals, nor trained individuals. They can be helpful in addiction recovery; however, a trained certified sober companion will have a higher skill set in keeping the client sober. At The Addictions Academy, all of our students are trained, certified, bonded, and insured to work in the addiction treatment industry. We even hire from within for our Sober on Demand and The Addictions Coach programs.
- Escort- Based
Sober companions that provide escorting services are concerned with keeping recovering addicts from purchasing substances. It is when traveling to and from work, attending social gatherings, or attending meetings such as group meetings or therapy appointments. If you don’t trust yourself to manage triggers or not relapse when left alone, this lower level of support is suitable. Certified sober companions that provide safe transport can also accompany a client to and from drug and alcohol treatment or be utilized as safe passage safe an intervention.
Services Provided by Sober Companions
Professional sober companions have numerous advantages and can help in the faster recovery of someone who has completed treatment by preventing recurrence. However, depending on the companion, their training, and their qualifications for the role, the services provided by sober companions will vary substantially. Some of the services that most sober friends provide are listed below.
- Emotional Support
Receiving emotional support is an essential aspect of feeling motivated, affirmed, and ready to push through the inevitable problems of sobriety. This includes desires and triggers. Simply having someone to talk to and confide in, knowing that they would listen without judgment, can boost your outlook and strength when circumstances go tough.
- Social Accountability
A recovering addict can stay clean or sober only by using a sober companion for accountability. They will often become your guide and stay with you for as long as you need. At Sober on Demand, we have daily companions and even yearly sober companions. Because you have someone to be clean and sober for, having this presence will make succumbing to relapse more difficult. You’ll also feel accountable to someone and, if you relapse, guilty, which will provide further motivation to stop using substances.
Ways To Select the Best Certified Sober Companions
If the addict in recovery is living alone, a sober companion can be an essential element of their recovery. They can also be incredibly advantageous for people who do not have access to emotional and psychological support from friends and family. It is essential to select a sober partner with caution. This is to ensure that you discover one who is qualified and will give you the benefits and support you require to recover and maintain your sobriety.
- Standards
For selecting a sober companion, make sure to check their authenticity. Also, when making a decision, it is important to consider qualifications, training, and other factors. If you want to be a sober companion, take advantage of any training opportunities available to ensure you are as skilled and knowledgeable. Look for referrals (or advertising) or any local treatment center to find the best sober companion. At The Addictions Academy, we have the first and most comprehensive certified sober companion course on the markets and we have trained over 25,000 people in 26 countries.
- Check All Essential Documents
While you select a sober companion, remember to go through all the essential documents. It may include certifications, liability insurance, medical certificates, or other specific information. Other than this, also check they have five years of experience at least in sobriety. Also, you must take note that you are selecting from a reputable company. Thus, this way, you can find the best results while following all the guidelines. Dr. Cali Estes and her team at The Addictions Coach and Sober on Demand have over 30 years of experience and can help you select the best certified sober companion for your loved one. Call today at 800-706-0318 to get trained or 1-800-706-0318 ext. 1 to hire one of our certified, bonded, insured professionals with lived experience.
A sober companion can be a significant asset throughout the transition period between establishing recovery and returning to your previous life. They can also help with relapse prevention during outpatient addiction treatment. A sober friend can be a lot of things, but it’s not a substitute for treatment and behavioral therapy. They can, however, provide emotional support and companionship to help you stay clean and sober as you adjust to regular life during your recovery.
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