Harm Reduction…..a sober method full of controversy
As time goes on in this crazy world of addiction, so does the methods that we use to get clean and sober and stay clean and sober. I think we all know that getting clean and sober is only half the battle. Staying clean and sober is the other side to this madness, and to be quite frank, some would say it is that hardest part of sobriety.I want you to take that word “sobriety”, and tuck in your back pocket for later use in this discussion. We will revisit that word, trust me!
So, getting clean and sober and staying clean and sober takes a lot of hard work, patience, understanding, and an OPEN MIND. What works for me may not work for you when it comes to our sobriety. We all should be somewhat familiar with the different methods out there to aid us in our quest for recovery. This is where the controversy comes in, but it really doesn’t need to be that way. We have the 12-Step method that has saved countless lives and will continue to do so for years to come. This method is abstinence-based and drinking alcohol or using drugs in ANY amount is not tolerated and deemed a “failure” in the program. Now, on the other end of the spectrum we have the controversial method which is becoming more and more popular and is “gaining strength” in the addiction industry and recovery community and this method is called HARM REDUCTION.
Harm reduction allows the addict to wean themselves off of their certain drug of choice or harm reduction allows a cocaine addict, for example, to enjoy a glass of wine over dinner with his or her spouse or maybe have a beer with a friend while watching his or her favorite sports team. Of course, Harm Reduction has it’s restrictions. For example, Harm Reduction obviously wouldn’t work with opiates, but studies are showing Harm Reduction success with other addictions and substances but that is a conversation for another day. The point attempting to be made today is that there is “more than one way to skin a cat” and we need to be open-minded and sensitive to what may not work for me but may work for others.
We here at The Addictions Coach and The Addictions Academy offer ALL means and methods to save lives from addiction and we ask for those of us in authoritative positions to definitely be open- minded and sensitive. For example, The Addictions Academy was celebrating last week as one of our TAA students received EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH last month. He was voted in on this prestigious award by his clients, staff and coworkers. Yesterday he was FIRED due to his support of Harm Reduction!
Obviously this is disappointing news to us and would hope that Employers in the future would be a little more open-minded! Please visit our website at Top Recovery Coaches and Life Coaching for Drug and Alcohol Addiction or call us at 1-800-706-0318 to get information on all our services, coaching programs and classes!