Dr. Cali Estes - The Addictions Academy ®

What are the most common types of intervention?

intervention training class

What are the most common types of intervention?

To understand what types there are, one must first understand what interventionist foes are and it all works in the world of drug and alcohol treatment.

What does an Interventionist do? The role of a nationally certified intervention professional is to help someone who is suffering from an addiction as well as the family to understand where they are in the madness of the addiction and why. An intervention professional is not a motivational speaker, or a therapist. An interventionist’s role is to help build the bridge to recovery for the person dealing with substance abuse and the family.

Nationally Certified Interventionist (NCIP) Course – Cali Estes – The Addictions Coach

As a Certified Interventionist, you want the most comprehensive training on the market at a national level. We offer the NCIP with 36 Continuing Education Units (CEUs) available. The Addictions Academy course for Nationally Certified Intervention Professionals offers both an online virtual classroom and a self-study option. The virtual classroom and self-study both include 10 hours of training; the classroom from 10 am to 3 pm Eastern, and the self-study is 10 hours at your own leisure. Both options also offer 10 hours of Case Management Training, 6 hours of Ethics study, and 10 weeks of mentorship with a master interventionist.

Dr. Cali Estes, also known as the Addictions Coach, is the CEO and founder of The Addictions Academy where many courses are offered including NCIP or Nationally Certified Intervention Professional / Interventionist. You can gain access to the courses for NCIP offered by The Addictions Academy simply by visiting the website (theaddictionsacademy.com) and browsing through the vast number of online classes and self-study available and contacting the faculty to get started.

A Nationally Certified Intervention Professional can help with treatment placement in order to get the person struggling the help they need and work with the family to help them better understand the situation from all sides. So, what else will you learn as an interventionist? You will learn how to decide which clients are a good fit and how to organize the intervention with your client and their family.

Why hire an interventionist? It’s simple: a Professional Interventionist leads an addicted person to accept treatment while enlisting the family and friends to help their loved one who is struggling with addiction.

What are the most common types of intervention?

  1. Simple Intervention – This type of intervention gets one or more family members involved in the confrontation stage with the person dealing with addiction. This is to ensure safety wherever possible and get the person struggling with addiction help as soon as possible.
  2. Classical Intervention – Classical Intervention involves planning from whoever is involved, usually family and/or friends. In this type of intervention, support is offered not only to the person in active addiction but also the friends and family involved.
  3. Family System Intervention – A Family System Intervention is valuable when more than one person in a family is struggling with addiction. This type of intervention increases motivation to recover by the benefit of an alerted family experience.
  4. Crisis Intervention – This is an improvised intervention. A Crisis Intervention may occur when an acute crisis renders immediate action necessary. The top priority in a Crisis Intervention situation is safety while getting the person struggling with addiction help as soon as possible.

If someone struggling with addiction also has a serious mental illness, violence or aggressiveness, or suicidal behaviors or actions, this is where an interventionist is essential. Some people who struggle with addiction are able to recognize they need help with their addiction and find treatment willingly, even on their own. However, many others are not able to do this on their own and require whatever form of intervention is found best suited for them and their loved ones.  Call us at 800 706 0318 to see if we can be of service!

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