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Q & A with Cali Estes of The Addictions Academy and The Addictions Coach
1. Question: How do you deal with the constant chronic complaining client?
Cali Estes Answers: “The clients that want to see change will work for it. They will put energy and effort into achieving their goals. I tell all my clients that I will not work harder then them at their life.”
2. Question: What do you do when a client’s loved one pays you and then wants to know all the juicy details of your sessions with their loved one?
Cali Estes Answers: “Recovery Coaches and Addiction Coaches are not bound by HIPPA, yet. However, I treat all my clients with 100% confidentiality no matter who pays the bill. It is important for me to build a safe and secure environment for my client. The only time I will break this confidentiality is if the client is suicidal or homicidal then I have a duty to warn.”
3. Question: What made you start The Addictions Academy?
Cali Estes Answers: “ I noticed a lack of accountability and ethics in the field of Recovery Coaching and Intervention. I wanted to create a true Professional Program, not a peer to peer class (you can be an RSS or a Sponsor for that) that would stand apart from what was being offered. I wanted strong ethics and legal guidelines and a full business development program for coaches just starting out or making the switch from public to private practice. We offer a full schedule of classes from Recovery Coaching I and II to Intervention, Clinical Intervention with the ISE endorsement, Anger Management, Food Addictions Coaching, Family Recovery Coaching, Gambling Addiction Coaching and more.”
We also created a Master Addictions Coach with 6 months of Supervision, 6 core classes and 85 Units. NAADAC Continuing Education units are offered on all classes.
You can find Cali Estes at and or call 1.800.706.0318 for more information.