Sober Coach in Silicon Valley?
Silicon Valley awash with prostitution and drugs and lacking in restraint, drugs, sex and hidden activities come to light.
Alix Tichelman, daughter of Folsom software firm SynapSense CEO Bart Tichelman, shot up a Google executive with heroin and left him to overdose and die on his own yacht. If this were in LA with a celebrity death, we would expect it. When the secret society of business executives is blown open with the seedy underbelly activities, the public is shocked. The truth is at The Addictions Coach we specialize in executives of this caliber and we see this activity all the time, it is just hidden from public view by our excellent sober coaches and sober companions. We come poised with pen and paper as the ‘personal assistant’ or with gym attire and whistle, as the ‘personal trainer or body guard’ and handle the dark side of addiction. The grimy side where drugs and sex are rampant and can ruin a professional executive’s career in a heartbeat, or end his life as in this case. see more on us below and call 1.800.706.0318 for your executive addiction sober coach.
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