Tech and Internet Addiction Can Start in Very Young Children!
Addiction to the internet and the technology seems to be pulling us in much like a heroin or cocaine addiction. An alarming number of citizens are being pulled into the cycle of addiction to technology and the internet and it is affecting all walks of our lives.
This newly discovered addiction to technology is especially running rampant through our youth! What used to be a mild-mannered temper tantrum in a child who just had their video game taken from them is now considered to be a full-on social meltdown and it was on display for the world to see on a 6.5-hour flight recently. This completely unruly child screamed, kicked, cried, yelled and climbed up and over chairs while on the flight. First of all, how was this allowed to happen on a flight and what type of parenting could this possibly be?
Click on the following link to watch how internet and technology addiction is drastically affecting our youth and we here at http://www.theaddictionscoach. com 1-800-706-0318 are the frontrunners in the battle against internet and technology addiction. Here is the child meltdown link MAN FILMS TODDLER TANTRUM ON LONG HAUL FLIGHT It was discovered that his tantrum was triggered because he couldn’t get his iPad when he wanted it.