Three Key Exercises That Recovery Coaches Should Do With Their Clients
Just like anything in life, the more you exercise the better you get. Our health and bodies get better the more we exercise. In school our teachers gave us exercise after exercise to make sure we were ready for our tests. You get the picture here. The more exercise the better we are! So I want to take a few moments to talk about three key exercises that top nationally certified recovery coaches should do with their clients.
1. One of the BEST exercises that top nationally certified recovery coaches can do with their clients is creating a bucket list. A bucket list creation is a self-evaluation exercise that brings to the forefront for the client as to what they are missing in life and what is important in life. Some may say this is somewhat of a “reverse psychology” method to make the client aware of life’s treasures that are possibly being missed.
2. The next great exercise that top nationally certified recovery coaches can do with their clients is to create a vision board. A vision board is extremely important because it gives the client an opportunity to map out his or her course that they will be taking in life to get to where they want to be once they are clean and sober. This exercise goes back to the age old idea that it is better to write down our thoughts and “map out” our lives so that we become as efficient as possible in achieving life’s goals.
3. The third great exercise that top nationally certified recovery coaches can do with their clients is the circle of influence exercise. This exercise has the client put a bullseye on those influences that are promising to the client’s life. It also has the client identify and get rid of those toxic influences in their lives. The reason that this exercise is so important in a recovering drug addict’s early days of recovery is that they are easily influenced to fall back into the active cycle of addiction. The old saying is true that we are who we surround ourselves with! We need to teach our clients that it is imperative that they surround themselves with sober, motivated and professional individuals as opposed to individuals who are selfish, unmotivated and only want to drag us down.
These exercises and more are found in our best selling workbook and we teach you how to use them in our Recovery Coach certification classes.
So as you can see, these top exercises that nationally certified recovery coaches can do with their clients are extremely important in laying the groundwork to a lifetime of sobriety and recovery. At The Addictions Academy, we will teach you these exercises along with many more exercises in our Nationally Certified Recovery Coaching I and Nationally Certified Recovery Coaching II Classes. Register now for our next available recovery coaching class, June 13-14. Don’t hesitate as the classes are selling out quickly! If you are unable to go to one of our live classroom classes around the United States you can register for one of our virtual online classes and take it from the comfort of your own home! And remember, Recovery Coaching I comes with Ethics class, 10 weeks of supervision and a free complementary Recovery Coaching II class!