Dr. Cali Estes - The Addictions Academy ®

Three powerful organizations and one courageous young woman team up to change Texas State law.

Three powerful organizations and one courageous young woman team up to change Texas State law.

The Addictions Academy of Miami, Florida, New Beginning Ministry, Inc. of Beach Lake, Pennsylvania, and The Addict’s Mom Organization of South Florida all teamed up to save a life and change the law. Her name is Kassidy Lynn Vaughan; she was born in Corsicana, Texas to parents Jim and Christy. At age seventeen Kassidy turned to hard drugs, using heroin with close friends. This beautiful young lady was on the highway to Hell and the Reaper had her name!
Last December Kassidy was arrested on drug charges in Corsicana and charged with two State felonies. Kassidy expected to be sent to prison based on previous knowledge and experience of the Texas Judicial system. Kassidy’s mother joined an organization that was founded by a woman named Barbara Theodosiou called “The Addict’s Mom.” Seven years earlier Barbara had started the organization to aid other mother’s who have children who are addicted, where they can share their pain without shame. A wonderful organization that helps thousands of families!
On January fourteenth of this year, The Addictions Academy of Miami, Florida and CEO Cali Estes hosted a symposium in West Palm Beach, Florida to Honor The Addict’s Mom Organization. Cali and The Addictions Academy raised over $250,000 in scholarships in honor of The Addict’s Mom Organization. Rev. Dr. Kevin T. Coughlin, Director and Co-founder of New Beginning Ministry was asked by Cali to support the Addict’s Mom Organization. The Reverend responded by making the largest donation of the night, over $75,000 in scholarships. Rev. Coughlin has been in the recovery industry for over two decades and was well aware of Barbara Theodosiou’s and Ms. Este’s work to aid families with addiction problems.
Kassidy’s mother applied for the scholarship at New Beginning Ministry. Rev. Coughlin received a letter from the Vaughan’s explaining Kassidy’s situation. Kassidy was selected to receive between thirty and one hundred and fifty days at New Beginning on a full scholarship. The Navarro County Court still had to decide what to do with the young lady; she was still on bond from the thirteenth court in Texas. It was decided! For the first time in a Texas court, the judge allowed the defendant to leave the State while awaiting sentencing. Kassidy’s only other option would have been “Substance Abuse Felony Punishment”, a program run by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, that has a very low success rate.
“If it wasn’t for Reverend Kevin, Barbara Theodosiou, my loving mother, and Cali Estes the CEO of the addictions academy who raised $250,000 worth of scholarships for The Addict’s Mom I would surely be in prison at this time. New Beginning is and has saved my life. The people here have helped me in ways I never could have imagined.” – Kassidy Vaughan
The Judge was made aware that Kassidy had been awarded a scholarship into New Beginning Ministry’s residential program in Pennsylvania by Kassidy’s mother. The open-minded Judge ruled that Kassidy would be allowed to go to Pennsylvania to attend New Beginning’s program. The Judge further stated that if Kassidy completes the program successfully, “The Vaughan Rule” will be enacted!
Kassidy is already in her second month at New Beginning and doing wonderfully! She plans to go into sober living when her scholarship ends at New Beginning. Kassidy’s mom is now on a mission to bring drug awareness to Texas, we know that she will succeed! She is now a member of The Addict’s Mom Organization. For information on becoming a member go to www.addictsmom.com.
Thanks to the generosity of The Addictions Academy and New Beginning Ministry, and the open-mindedness of the Judge, a life has been saved and a new law is on the way. This is what will make recovery work, everyone working together in a spirit of unity. New Beginning Ministry is a nonprofit that has helped thousands of individuals and families over the past two decades. If you or someone you know suffers from addiction, you can reach New Beginning Ministry at (570)-729-8709, or for more information visit their website at www.newbeginningmin.org.
The Addictions Academy trains addiction professionals in the fight against addiction and helps raise awareness. For more information, they can be reached at www.theaddictionsacademy.com. We all are cheering for Kassidy and the entire Vaughan family! We applaud the efforts of everyone involved and hope that you will too. Your support is desperately needed to help some of these organizations to continue to save lives. Go Kassidy!

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