Dr. Cali Estes - The Addictions Academy ®

Top 3 Reasons That You Should Enhance Your Certifications and Education in Your Addiction and Recovery Based Career

Beachside Rehab

Top 3 Reasons That You Should Enhance Your Certifications and Education in Your Addiction and Recovery Based Career


The addictions industry and recovery community is big business these days. This is a very sensitive subject because there are a number of people who feel that helping people get clean and sober should be a “gift” to the addict and the person suffering from the deadly cycle of addiction should not be charged a fee for their help. However, today’s top nationally certified recovery coaches, certified interventionists and certified life coaches are skilled career-minded professionals who earn a living by helping addicts get clean and sober and stay clean and sober. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with this. Now, with that being said, like with any profession, it is extremely important that all professional top certified coaches stay at the highest level with their education. So picking the best educational establishment is one of the most important decisions that you can make for your addiction and recovery based career.
1. In today’s addiction industry and recovery community everything changes constantly and all top certified professional coaches need to have their skill level and knowledge level at the highest level possible. Professional coaches also need to be skilled and trained in the most “up to date” and modern theories, methods and recovery based strategies that are constantly changing with the times. For example, other than the main drugs that have survived the changing times, like cocaine, heroin and meth, top certified professional coaches need to be aware of the influx of new street level drugs that pop up in society like flakka, spice and bath salts. Each one of these drugs needs it’s own unique plan of attack when it comes to battling it’s own unique cycle of addiction. Top certified professional coaches need to learn to remain open minded to change and keep their education level at it’s highest possible level.
2. The second major reason that top certified professional coaches should enhance their education and certifications is to always remain as ethical and legal as possible. There are so many people now trying to help struggling addicts and may not even know that they may be dancing on the side of being unethical. And on the other side of the coin there are those who outright know that they are operating in an illegal realm and this completely takes advantage of the struggling addict. Staying on top of your education and certifications allows you the freedom to always stay in tune with the changing laws and regulations in the addictions industry and recovery community. Here at The Addictions Academy we stress ethics and the importance of running an ethical and legal recovery based business. So much so that, at times, we offer a bundling package of classes where ethics is taught for free.
3. Now, one of the most important reasons that you should enhance your certifications and education is for your personal scope of business. And by this I mean enhancing your certifications and education will allow you to broaden your skill level and services that you can offer clients. For example, there are new studies that just recently brought to the forefront: internet addiction and gaming addiction. These addictions weren’t even acknowledged until recently and they are now being taught in “up to date” addiction based educational platforms. Another example of newer studies that are now being taught in addiction education is how important nutrition plays in a successful recovery. We also are now teaching the HIGHLY CONTROVERSIAL method of fighting addiction which is HARM REDUCTION. This is obviously a tapering down method that is now in high demand. And last, but not least, addiction education is now teaching about Failure to Launch Syndrome.
So as you can see, it is imperative that we stay on top of our addiction based education and certifications to give our clients the BEST chance of a successful recovery. Enhancing our addiction based education also gives us a “leg up” against our competitors and allows our recovery based business to become and remain highly lucrative and successful. Please contact us at The Addictions Academy  and click on our calendar to get a listing of all of our available classes and certifications. You can also call us at 1-800-706-0318. And remember you can take our classes at one of our live classes around the United States or take one of our virtual online classes from the comfort of your own home!  Call us TODAY!
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