What does a sober companion do?
Maybe the easier question would be what doesn’t a sober companion do. Are you interested in a career as a sober companion? The addictions industry is changing and it’s changing rather drastically. The days of checking into a traditional twelve-step residential facility and putting your entire life on hold are coming to an end. Think about it like this. The bills don’t care that you have an addiction problem and they sure aren’t going to stop coming because you need rehab. The local grocery store isn’t going to donate free food to you and your children while you fight off the demons of addiction. And the bank isn’t going to let the mortgage “slide” for three or four months while you kick heroin! So you really need to find a way to fight addiction head on and keep your life rolling right along at the same time.
Let me tell you about sober companions and what they do. A sober companion is a trained professional (Get your training at The Addictions Academy) that comes to you instead of you going to them. A sober companion learns about your strengths, weaknesses, passions, and needs and stays with you and accompanies you in all aspects of your everyday life all the while giving you the skills, knowledge, and tools needed to battle the cycle of addiction. Sober companions can stay with you around the clock, accompany you to job functions and career activities. Sober companions can take you to meetings and recovery based activities when needed. The Addictions Academy has the best certified sober coach and certified sober companion program in the addictions industry today to train you and the most trained and qualified sober companions to provide our clients with globally.
A gig as a sober company can net you $1200 to $2500 per 24 hour period and you can get to travel the world with your clients. You can even be hired to handle a short period like a wedding or work function and charge up to $250 per hour. We are not paid babysitters anymore! The Addictions Academy and The Addictions Coach have changed the industry by requiring all sober companions to go through a full certification process including ethics training and life coach training.
Certified Sober Companions are taking the industry by storm and helping people regain their grip on sobriety and guide them down a path of sobriety. Does this exciting career choice appeal to you? Do you like the idea of helping people while traveling the world and setting your own pace and schedule? If so, becoming a certified sober companion is the choice for you. We here at The Addictions Academy have a live classroom setting or you can get certified from the comfort of your own home with one of our virtual classroom settings. The virtual classroom is also live and is completely interactive.
Please go to our website at https://theaddictionsacademy.com and check our class schedule to see what works best for you. You can also call us at 1-800-706-0318 to sign up today!