Failure to Launch Coach Certification and Training Program
Failure to Launch Coach Certification and Training Program is for those that want to help young adults flourish and get ‘unstuck’ in life. The term Failure to Launch Syndrome has surfaced and it describes the teen or early adult (sometimes 30 to 40’s even) that is still living at home, working sporadic jobs (or not working at all), and sometimes hooked on video games or drugs and alcohol. The parents are not sure what to do, but the enabling has gotten out of hand. Some of the parents not only provide lodging and pay their son/daughter’s rent, their car payment and provide spending money but they also come over and clean, cook, and do all the laundry. Our Failure to Launch Training and Certification Class will teach you the following:
1 – You will learn how to deal with the clients and their parents. Our Professional certification and training will teach you how to uncover your client’s hidden talents and create an action plan with them. We will show you the difference between helping and enabling, and how to stop a bad situation before it occurs by giving your teen an ultimatum to get help, or be cut off.
2 – You will learn how to create and set parental boundaries, expectations, and follow-through. When you baby the addict, you kill the addict. Healthy boundaries are a must, as well as setting expectations so the person you are helping knows that you are not going to give in to manipulation or intimidation.
3 – You will learn how to coach, deal with the fear of failure versus fear of success, and how to create purpose and passion for your clients. One of the biggest fears for anyone, especially an addict, is change; whether it is failure or success. When you give the person a sense of purpose, set goals for them to achieve according to what their true passion in life might be, there is more power behind their reason to get up and put in the footwork towards a better life.
NOTE: There are NO prerequisites to this course, however, it is recommended that you also take the Nationally Certified Family Recovery Coach class. Included in Fix Failure to Launch Certification, is a Self-Study Certification and training in Case Management, an ethics class, and 10 hours of coach mentorship/supervision. We do offer Job Board, Networking, and Business/Private Practice assistance. We also hire from within once you are trained, certified, insured, and bonded.